Approved organisations

Non-governmental organisations on a European scale with an interest in inland navigation may apply for the status of approved organisation with the CESNI, as defined in the Internal Regulations on the status of approved non-governmental organisations.

Approved organisations may take an active part in the work carried out in the working groups, and have access to CESNI working documents. Approved organisations may also submit to the Committee, through the Secretariat, any information and proposals they may deem appropriate.

List of approved organisations

  • AQUAPOL : International police cooperation on the water
  • CEMT : Confederation of European Maritime Technology Societies
  • CEN-CENELEC : European Committee for Standardization – European Electrotechnical Committee for Standardization
  • EADINS : European Association of Developers of Inland Nautical Software
  • EBA : European Boating Association
  • EBI : European Boating Industry
  • EBU UENF : European Barge Union
  • EDINNA : Education in Inland Navigation
  • EFIP : European Federation of Inland Ports
  • EMH: European Maritime Heritage
  • ESO OEB : European Skippers Association
  • ETF : European Transport Workers Federation
  • EUROMOT : European Association of Internal Combustion Engine and Alternative Powertrain Manufacturers
  • European IWT Platform: European Inland Waterway Transport Platform
  • FEMAS : Federation of European Maritime Associations of Surveyors and Consultants
  • GERC : Group of  European Recognized Classification societies for inland navigation
  • Hydrogen Europe : European association representing the interest of the hydrogen industry
  • IVR : International Association for the representation of the mutual interests of the inland shippingand the insurance and for keeping the register of inland vessels in Europe
  • SEA EUROPE : Shipyards’ & Maritime Equipment Association
  • VBW : Association for inland navigation and navigable waterways in Europe

To become an approved organisation

Organisations which are candidates for approval should submit a written request, including:

  • a description of the organisation, its members, its responsibilities and its experience;
  • the reasons for its request;
  • the contribution it intends to make to the work of the Committee;
  • acceptance of the rules governing the status of approved organisation with the Committee.

For more information on the procedure, please refer to the Internal Regulations on the status of approved non-governmental organisations: FR / DE / NL / EN
