CESNI sector consultation events (2022, 2021)



More than 90 participants (employers and employees) attended the second sector consultation event on the future European manning standards held on 14 December 2022. The event was co-organised by EBU/ESO and ETF, under CESNI’s auspices. Crucial topics for the future European manning regulations were discussed, including operating modes, resting time, resting days for owner operator, one-person vessel operation and entry level (apprentice and deckhand).
Press release EN
Key takeaways from the sector consultation 2.0 EN


A sector consultation event, in the form of a webinar dedicated to the roadmap for European manning regulations, was held on 14 December 2021. More than 80 participants took part in this important forum, organised under the auspices of the CESNI working group on professional qualifications (CESNI/QP). Participants had the opportunity to discuss the development of a future legal framework at the CCNR (Central Commission for the Navigation of the Rhine) and EU-level (European Union) on manning requirements, as well as express their views on various different questions.
Press release EN
Input received during the sector consultation event on 14 December 2021EN
Roadmap for European manning regulationsEN
Presentation on objectives and content of e-tools initiative and link between the initiatives on manning regulations and e-tools

  • Ms Christelle Rousseau, European Commission, DG MOVE EN

Presentation of the roadmap and more specifically items where feedback from social partners is expected – clarification of the focus of the webinar

  • Ms Herlinde Liégeois, De Vlaamse Waterweg nv EN